#$@&%*! — Ah, the “art” of the swear word in today’s copy

Is it just us or is every piece of digital media these days, dripping with four-letter words?

According to this article published by CXL, swearing in your copy might be more persuasive. But, an important thing to consider is actually your target audience. See, if you’re including profanity as part of your marketing strategy, you should ponder this fact: Sure, it may grab their attention, but if your target audience ALSO curses as part of their vernacular, they might just relate to your words too much, and what you’re selling will actually end up lost on them.

The conundrum—relating to your audience while still standing out to them in a persuasive way.

I'm all for the occasional F-bombs and expletives, but perhaps we should consider that although people want relatable content, they also want interesting content with depth behind it. You got my attention, now how are you going to add value to my life? In today’s potty-mouthed world of media, not swearing may actually speak exclamation marks!

Riddle me this: How many times did we mention the act of cursing, without actually using an obscene word?



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